Date: January 10, 2019
Great Wolf Lodge-Ground Mound
20500 Old Hwy 99 SW
Centralia, WA 98531
8:00am-1:00pm Snack and Lunch Provided
Hello Community Business Professionals, and Tumwater Chamber Members
Students involved as chapter members with DECA start the new year with their annual area competition. This year is no different from previous years, as the chapter advisor I am requesting local business leaders to please support our students during this event. As local business leaders you can volunteer your time as a judge. Students will present their scenario to the panel and you will score the results using a rubric that is provided to you. This is a great event, and I hope that as a business leader you would like to support future business leaders from our area.
Do you have time to assist students with their career goals?
DECA students need your help as a competitive events judge at the Area 8 DECA Competition at Great Wolf Lodge in Ground Mound…
Time: Judges check in at 8:15 am and orientation from 8:30- 8:40. Events will end by one and lunch and networking are included.
So what is judging?
Judging competitive events requires as little as a half-day time commitment, and you’ll be assisting high school students as they work toward successful careers. This is the first step for local business and marketing students as they compete to represent Area 8 DECA at the State DECA Competition held in Bellevue March 2019. It’s easy to judge! Registered judges receive detailed information and a thorough judge orientation is held on site before competition begins. People who have judged before thoroughly enjoyed their experience and want to return to judge again.
There are competitions in a range of industries including advertising, entrepreneurship, fashion, finance, hospitality, international marketing, restaurant, retail, sales and more… As a judge, you will participate in role-play activities during which students will act out their solutions to real business world situations. You will then evaluate the students’ performances using a brief, easy to complete evaluation form.
When you volunteer to judge a DECA event, you are aiding bright and motivated students in having an educational experience of a lifetime. As a DECA Judge, you will use your background in business, entrepreneurship, marketing, management and life to evaluate students’ demonstration of marketing and business skills and knowledge. Sign up today!
Contact David Perreira and sign up today!